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    PEnipuan Ilusi -Satu Eksperimen


    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2008-08-12

    PEnipuan Ilusi -Satu Eksperimen Empty PEnipuan Ilusi -Satu Eksperimen

    Post  zek786 Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:03 am

    [img]PEnipuan Ilusi -Satu Eksperimen Ept_sp11[/img]


    If you watched the Opening Ceremony on Friday night, chances are you said something like, "no way that's possible" at least once. It turns out you were right.

    London's Telegraph newspaper reports that some of the fireworks which appeared over Beijing during the television broadcast of the Olympic Opening Ceremony were actually computer generated. But -- hold on -- it's not necessarily as bad as you think.

    The faked fireworks were actually set-off at the stadium, but because of potential dangers in filming the display live from a helicopter, viewers at home were shown a pre-recorded, computer-generated shot. It sounds dishonest, but I'm not sure it's such a terrible thing.

    The Opening Ceremony is, at its core, just one big performance. And isn't it accepted that some things might not be legit at a performance? The final torch bearer wasn't actually running around the top of the stadium, does the fact that everyone could figure that out make it any less impressive? It might have been unnecessarily deceptive, but the firework-faking isn't really that big of a deal. But, if I found out that the lighted-drum thing wasn't on the up and up, then we'll have problems, China.

    To Create Fear!!!!!

    Ni adalah salah satu contoh 'tayangan' palsu pertunjukan bunga api semasa olimpik beijing 2008. Ramai ingat ianya pertunjukan bunga apinya real, tapi rupanya computer generated (sesetgh sahaja). Inilah contoh simulasi akhir zaman berdasarkan agenda yahudi/US utk "TO CREATE FEAR" dikalangan manusia.

    Cuba kalo yg ditunjukkan tu ialah bangunan apa2 yg diserang oleh kononnya islam, walhal serangan tu zahirnya tak berlaku, tak wujud pun....sudah tentu yg bukan islam malah islam (segelintir) pun akan setuju dan memperakui bhw peristiwa tersbt benar2 terjadi. Bayangkan pula sekumpulan ALIEN atau UFO pula tiba2 datang menyerang bumi?

    Bagaimana kita agaknya pada masa itu. Pastinya kita akan takut kerana minda kita dah ditanamkan bahawa UFO atau alien mmg benar2 wujud seperti yg biasa kita lihat dalam filem2 Hollywood.
    Ketakutan yg wujud akan memudahkan kerja-kerja US/YAhudi utk memerangkap manusia supaya patuh atau tunduk kepada mereka kerana sekian lama kita telah diprogramkan bahawa US/Yahudi adalah bangsa SAVIOR dan serba boleh. LIhat sahaja filem2 seperti Armageddon, Die Hard, Terminator bukankah moralnya hanya mereka yg mampu merubah dunia dan menjaga keamanan sejagat???

      Current date/time is Wed May 01, 2024 7:00 pm